CAPRO MISSIONS is a Missionary organization that has been
mobilizing, training and thrusting out missionaries since 1975. CAPRO MISSIONS in South Africa was incorporated in 2006.
CAPRO’s story is a string of adventures laced with God’s benevolent intrigues. From the post war crisis management program of a national government, through what may be considered today as reckless youthful exuberance to sheer blind pursuits. from extraordinary leaps of faith to inconceivable blunders, God has raised what has become one of Africa’s foremost movements of Christian frontier missions.
“…let us work now while it is day; for the night cometh when no man can work…”
Intro to CAPRO Missions
A quick introduction from Sam Kputu
Our Vision
Our VISION is to continue to be committed to church planting among people groups, tribes and places where the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not gained a foothold.