CAPRO Missions Prayer Cell (CMPC) is a group of Believers who identify with the vision of CAPRO and commit themselves to praying for CAPRO work and its workers. CMPCs gather
at least monthly in different localities for cooperate prayers, as well as to encourage others to get involved. read more...
Home Sending Team (HOST) is an organized structure with in CAPRO for Senders/Partners with a conviction to strategically mobilize for CAPRO fields, projects, & workers within a given region or city. Read more...
CAPRO Sending Teams (CAST) are local
churches or Christian fellowship groups that have a their own operations and leadership structures, independent from CAPRO, which has agreed to a formal partnership with CAPRO. Read more...
Christian Volunteer Service (CVS) is a part-time service for partners who want to use their skills and expertise to enhance CAPRO work in the area of finance, administration, media, Project management & amp; IT to name a few.